Ranks & Tags

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Ranks are in-game nametags players can purchase or apply to obtain. They serve as more than just a nametag, with a variety of perks to assist the player alongside them. There are three types of ranks. These three categories are Paid Panks, Staff Ranks & Removed Ranks. Players without any type of rank have the Default rank.


Tags are in-game nametags players can obtain through events or special means. Tags have limited associated perks and Event Tags have no associated perks. There are three types of tags. These three categories are Special Tags, Legacy Tags & Event Tags. Tags do not replace a rank and if the player has a staff rank, that rank's prefix will display prior to the tag in the player's prefix.

How do I equip a rank/tag?

  • Join the Minehut lobby.
  • Right-click the Control Center (your player head)
  • Left-click the Chat Tags menu (a name tag)
  • Left-click the tag or rank of your choice if you have it unlocked.

The commands /ranks or /tags may also be ran as a shortcut to open this menu.

Main article: Paid Ranks (category)

Paid ranks can be purchased using credits on the Minehut Dashboard.[1] These ranks renew on a subscription basis and last for 30 days.[2] They give the player access to various perks, such as more ads in the Minehut lobbies, white-colored chat, a lower chat cooldown, access to particle cosmetics, and more. The exact perks are listed below with the respective rank.

Rank Perks Default VIP VIP+ Pro Legend Patron
Cost Free 800 credits 1,900 credits 4,800 credits 8,000 credits 16,000 credits
Monthly Ads 10 ads 50 ads 250 ads 500 ads 1,000 ads 2,500 ads
Chat Cooldown 5 secs 5 secs 2 secs 2 secs None None
Particles Cloud Cloud
Blaze Powder
Nether Star
Blaze Powder
Nether Star
Blaze Powder
Nether Star
Rainbow Swirl
Rain Cloud
Blaze Powder
Nether Star
Rainbow Swirl
Rain Cloud
Blaze Powder
Nether Star
Rainbow Swirl
Rain Cloud
Lobby Flight No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Discord Role None VIP VIP+ Pro Legend Patron
Shown in Ranked Category No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Global Ranked Chat No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ad Colours No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ad Formatting No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


[VIP] Playername

Main article: VIP Rank
[VIP] Playername - The VIP rank's prefix as seen in-game.
The VIP rank's prefix, as seen in-game.

Price: 800 credits / month.
50 ads / month.
Same particles as default
Blaze Powder & Nether Star particles
Access to the dark green aura cosmetic.
Access to flight in the lobby.
Access to the VIP role in the Minehut Discord.
Linked server is shown in the Ranked Player Server category.
Access to the /elytra command in the lobby to get an elytra and be boosted into the sky.
Access to the /mhc command in-game, a chat across the Minehut network.
Access to the #mh-chat channel in the Minehut Discord which is linked to /mhc.
Access to the use of colour codes and chat formatting in /ad.

Example Input Result


[VIP+] Playername

Main article: VIP+ Rank
[VIP+] Playername - The VIP+ rank's prefix, as seen in-game.
The VIP+ rank's prefix, as seen in-game.

Price: 1,900 credits / month.
250 ads / month.
Access to the light green aura cosmetic.
Access to the VIP+ role in the Minehut Discord.
Same perks as VIP.


[PRO] Playername

Main article: Pro Rank
[PRO] Playername - The Pro rank's prefix, as seen in-game.
The Pro rank's prefix, as seen in-game.

Price: 4,800 credits / month.
500 ads / month.
Rainbow Swirl & Rain Cloud particles
Access to the aqua aura cosmetic.
Access to the Pro role in the Minehut Discord.
Same perks as VIP & VIP+.


[LEGEND] Playername

Main article: Legend Rank
[LEGEND] Playername - The Legend rank's prefix.
The Legend rank's prefix, as seen in-game.

Price: 8,000 credits / month.
1,000 ads / month.
Feather Halo particle.
Access to the golden aura cosmetic.
Access to the Legend role in the Minehut Discord.
Same perks as VIP, VIP+ & Pro.


[PATRON] Playername

Main article: Patron Rank
[PATRON] Playername - The Patron rank's prefix, as seen in-game.
The Patron rank's prefix, as seen in-game.

Price: 16,000 credits / month.
2,500 ads / month.
Access to the pink aura cosmetic.
Access to the Patron role in the Minehut Discord.
Same perks as VIP, VIP+, Pro & Legend.

Special Tags

Special tags are tags given as a reward to players for participating in special Minehut programs, such as the Content Creator program, the Staff team or the Tester program.


[<3] Playername

Main article: Retired Tag
The Retired tag's prefix.
The Retired tag's prefix.

The Retired tag, also known as the [<3] tag, is given out to former members of the Minehut Staff team.

The official bio of the tag used to read "Given to members of the Minehut Community that have shown exceptional dedication to the community." up until July 26th, 2024. Today, the bio of the tag reads "Given to Retired Staff Members."

This tag has white coloured chat in-game. Previously, before March 2023's Rank Update, this tag had the perks of the Patron rank. However, after the update, it became a tag and lost these perks, however it still has white coloured chat. It is possible to have this tag and a paid rank at the same time.

A full list of everyone with the Retired tag can be found here, with the very first user to receive it being _Gingey_ when he originally retired in 2021.


[YOUTUBE] Playername

The YouTube tag's prefix.
The YouTube tag's prefix.

The YouTube tag is given to members of Minehut's Content Creator program that create media content on Minehut.
This tag has white coloured chat in-game. It is possible to have this tag and a paid rank at the same time. Previously, before March 2023's Rank Update, this tag had the perks of the Patron rank. However, after the update, it became a tag and lost these perks, however it still has white coloured chat.


[BUILDER] Playername

The Builder tag's prefix
The Builder tag's prefix.

The Builder tag is given to users on Minehut who have built lobbies, events and other things for Minehut officially. This tag is rarely seen, as it has been given out to few people. Known users with this rank are Jamie47, _Rascal & Boxic.

Following many builds in the lobbies such as the Boop Arena in the Castle Lobby, the No Ad Zone, Café Stifflered, the entrance to the infinite parkour and the Cats v Dogs derby area in the Construction Lobby, the Builder tag was bestowed upon Jamie47 on August 20th, 2024.


⛏ Playername

The Tester tag's prefix.
The Tester tag's prefix.

The Tester tag was given to members of Minehut's Twitch Rivals testing program that users could participate in to help test events for Twitch Rivals.
This tag has white coloured chat in-game. It is possible to have this tag and a paid rank at the same time.
Previously, before March 2023's Rank Update, this tag had the perks of the Pro rank for most users and special versions of this tag existed for users who previously had Legend or Patron prior to getting this tag, although it kept the same prefix. After the update, these perks were removed, but users with this tag still get white chat messages for free.

Legacy Tags

On March 7th, 2023, an overhaul to ranks was announced. This led to the creation of today's Paid Ranks. Users who already had a Minehut rank had their Minehut rank converted into a legacy tag. In the initial draft of this update, these tags did not have any perks.
However after feedback from the community, the update was released on March 14th, 2023 with these tags given extra ads on top of whichever Paid Rank the player had.

Legacy VIP

❤ [VIP] Playername

Main article: Legacy VIP
The Legacy VIP tag's prefix.
The Legacy VIP tag's prefix.

Original Price: 1,500 credits.
15 extra ads / month.
Access to flight in the lobby.
Although this tag has a lime prefix, its paid rank equivalent would see a colour change.

Legacy Pro

❤ [PRO] Playername

Main article: Legacy Pro
The Legacy Pro tag's prefix.
The Legacy Pro tag's prefix.

Original Price: 9,000 credits.
40 extra ads / month.
Access to flight in the lobby.

Legacy Legend

❤ [LEGEND] Playername

Main article: Legacy Legend
The Legacy Legend tag's prefix.
The Legacy Legend tag's prefix.

Original Price: 26,000 credits.
80 extra ads / month.
Access to flight in the lobby.

Legacy Patron

❤ [PATRON] Playername

Main article: Legacy Patron
The Legacy Patron tag's prefix.
The Legacy Patron tag's prefix.

Original Price: 104,000 credits.
200 extra ads / month.
Access to flight in the lobby.
Although this tag has a cyan prefix, its paid rank equivalent would see a colour change.

Staff Ranks

Users with these ranks have been trusted with moderation permissions to help clean up Minehut rulebreaking and make Minehut a better place. There are four of these ranks/tags currently in use: Admin, Developer, GamerSafer & Mod.


[ADMIN] Playername

Main article: Administrator
The Admin rank's prefix.
The Admin rank's prefix.

A user with this rank is an official GamerSafer employee who works primarily on the Minehut network. This rank has been given to Support Agents, Developers, the Product Manager and other GamerSafer positions. A list of these users is available here. This rank is currently in use on Minehut.

Developer (tag)

Developer-tag-part.png Playername

The Developer rank's prefix.
The Developer rank's prefix.

A user with this tag is an official GamerSafer employee who works as a developer on the Minehut network. A list of these users is available here. This tag is currently in use on Minehut.


[GS] Playername

The GS tag's prefix.
The GS tag's prefix.

A user with this tag is an official GamerSafer employee who does not work full-time on Minehut. This rank is currently in use on Minehut.

Volunteer Moderator

[MOD] Playername

The Moderator rank's prefix.
The Moderator rank's prefix.

A user with this rank is a member of the Minehut community that has been entrusted with moderation permissions as they have pledged to contribute to making Minehut a safer and better place for the Minehut community. Volunteer Moderators supervise the Minehut Forums, the Minehut Discord, the Minehut Lobbies and various other Minehut platforms. A list of these users is available here. This rank is currently in use on Minehut.

Event Tags

Egg Tag (Easter)

(EGG) Playername

(EGG) Playername
The grey Egg tag's prefix.
The grey Egg tag's prefix.
The coloured Egg tag's prefix.
The coloured Egg tag's prefix.

This event tags was available during the Easter event of 2023 where users had to complete challenges in the Minehut lobby to obtain the tag.

These were the three challenges players had to complete to get the tag:

  • Find 10 eggs scattered around the Minehut lobby.
  • Fish 10 eggs up using a fishing rod. (Required a Paid Rank to obtain the fishing rod.)
  • Throw eggs at players 10 times.

Two versions of this tag exist, a grey and a coloured version of the tag. The grey tag was given to users who completed one challenge in the event. The coloured tag was given to users who had a Paid Rank and completed all of the challenges in the event. The coloured tag was not available for users without a rank due to restrictions on the challenges. This tag is no longer obtainable, as the event has ended. The EGG tag was the first event tag distributed.

Earth Tag (Earth Day)

☀ EARTH Playername

EARTH Playername
The grey Earth tag's prefix.
The grey Earth tag's prefix.
The coloured Earth tag's prefix.
The coloured Earth tag's prefix.

This event tag was available during the Earth Day event of 2023 where users had to complete challenges in the Minehut lobby to obtain the tag.

These were the three challenges players had to complete to get the tag:

  • Climb the big tree in the Minehut lobby.
  • Pick up 10 pieces of trash around the Minehut lobby.
  • Defeat 5 blazes using a bow and arrow. (Required a Paid Rank to obtain the bow and arrow.)

Two versions of this tag exist, a grey and a coloured version of the tag. The grey tag was given to users who completed one challenge in the event. The coloured tag was given to users who had a Paid Rank and completed all of the challenges in the event. The coloured tag was not available for users without a rank due to restrictions on the challenges. This tag is no longer obtainable, as the event has ended.

Flower Tag (Mother's Day)

Flower-tag-part.png Playername
The Flower tag's prefix.
The Flower tag's prefix.

This event tag was available during the Mother's Day event of 2023 and the Mother's Day event of 2024.

These were the two challenges players had to complete to get the tag in 2023:

  • Bake treats for Mother using items found around the lobby.
  • Complete the Mother's Day parkour.

This was the challenge players had to complete to get the tag in 2024:

  • Find 12 types of flowers around the Minehut lobby.

This event tag was the first tag to not have a grey variant. In the 2023 event, this tag was only obtainable for those who had a Paid Rank during the event and who had completed all challenges. In the 2024 event, this restriction was removed and the tag was available to obtain for all Minehut users regardless of what rank they had. This tag is no longer obtainable, as the event has ended.

Pride Tag (Pride Month)

[PRIDE] Playername

[PRIDE] Playername
The grey Pride tag's prefix.
The grey Pride tag's prefix.
The coloured Pride tag's prefix.
The coloured Pride tag's prefix.

This event tag was available during the Pride Month events of 2023 and 2024 where users had to complete a challenge in the Minehut lobby to obtain the tag.

To obtain the tag in 2023's pride event, players had to complete the Pride Race elytra course.

To obtain the tag in 2024's pride event, players have to complete the Minehut parkour and right click the NPC at the end of the parkour course.

Two versions of this tag exist, a grey and a coloured version of the tag. The grey tag was given to users who completed the Pride Race in 2023. The coloured tag was given to users who had a Paid Rank and completed the Pride Race in 2023 or given to players who completed the 2024 Pride Event as the Paid Rank restriction was removed and the coloured tag was obtainable for all players. This tag is no longer obtainable, as the Pride event is only active in June.

Bacon Tag (Father's Day)

Bacon-tag-part.png Playername
The Bacon tag's prefix.
The Bacon tag's prefix.

This event tag was available during the Father's Day events of 2023 and 2024 where users had to complete a challenge in the Minehut lobby to obtain the tag.

To obtain the tag in 2023's event, players had to find Father in the Minehut lobby to get the tag if they had a Paid Rank.

To obtain the tag in 2024's event, players had to find different types of food around the Minehut lobby to get the tag.

This event tag does not have a grey variant. The tag was given to users who had a Paid Rank and found Father in the Minehut lobby in the 2023 Event or given to players who found all of the food in the 2024 Event as the Paid Rank restriction was removed and the tag was obtainable for all players. This tag is not obtainable, as the event has ended.

Cheese Tag (Cheeseheads)

[CHEESE] Playername

[CHEESE] Playername
The grey Cheese tag's prefix.
The grey Cheese tag's prefix.
The coloured Cheese tag's prefix.
The coloured Cheese tag's prefix.

This event tag was available during the Cheeseheads event of 2023 where users had to complete a challenge in the Minehut lobby to obtain the tag.

Two versions of this tag exist, a grey and a coloured version of the tag. The grey tag was given to users who completed the Cheeseheads obstacle course. The coloured tag was given to users who had a Paid Rank and completed the Cheeseheads obstacle course. This tag is no longer obtainable, as the event has ended.

Labor Day Tag (Labor Day)

`( Playername
The Labor Day tag's prefix.
The Labor Day tag's prefix.

This event tag was available during the Labor Day event of 2023 where users had to complete a race in the Minehut lobby to obtain the tag.

This event tag does not have a grey variant. The tag was given to users who had a Paid Rank and completed the Labor Day race to work in the Minehut lobby. This tag is not obtainable, as the event has ended.

Nickelodeon Tags

Slime Blast

The grey Slime Blast tag's prefix.
The grey Slime Blast tag's prefix.
The coloured Slime Blast tag's prefix.
The coloured Slime Blast tag's prefix.
Sb1-part.png Playername
Sb2-part.png Playername


The grey Golf tag's prefix.
The grey Golf tag's prefix.
The coloured Golf tag's prefix.
The coloured Golf tag's prefix.
Golf-grey-part.png Playername
G2-part.png Playername


The grey Escape tag's prefix.
The grey Escape tag's prefix.
The coloured Escape tag's prefix.
The coloured Escape tag's prefix.
E1-part.png Playername
E2-part.png Playername

On October 12th 2023, Minehut announced the Nickelodeon Minehut Challenge Series.
For 9 weeks, players could play minigames in the Minehut lobby to earn Minehut tags, Nickelodeon Minehut cosmetics and a chance to win a Gaming PC.

This was the cycle of weeks:

Nickelodeon Slime Blast in Week 1.
Nickelodeon Golf in Week 2.
Nickelodeon Escape in Week 3.
Nickelodeon Slime Blast in Week 4.
Nickelodeon Golf in Week 5.
Nickelodeon Escape in Week 6.
Nickelodeon Slime Blast in Week 7.
Nickelodeon Golf in Week 8.
Nickelodeon Escape in Week 9.

Completing the Slime Blast minigame would grant users:

The grey Slime Blast tag.
The orange coloured Slime Blast tag if they had a Paid Rank.

Completing the Golf minigame would grant users:

The grey Golf tag.
The orange coloured Golf tag if they had a Paid Rank.

Completing the Escape minigame would grant users:

The grey Escape tag.
The purple coloured Escape tag if they had a Paid Rank.

Leaderboard Tags

The #1 tag's prefix.
The #1 tag's prefix.
The Top 20 tag's prefix.
The Top 20 tag's prefix.
The Top 50 tag's prefix.
The Top 50 tag's prefix.
{No1-part.png} Playername

Users were also given the exclusive #1 tag if they managed to be #1 at the end of one of the weeks in the event.

Top20-part.png Playername

Users were also given the Top 20 tag if they landed in the Top 20 of users in the event that week.

Top50-part.png Playername

Users were also given the Top 50 tag if they landed in the Top 50 of users in the event that week.

These tags are no longer obtainable as the event has ended.

Present Tag (Winter)

Present-1-part.png Playername
Present-2-part.png Playername
The grey Present tag's prefix.
The grey Present tag's prefix.
The coloured Present tag's prefix.
The coloured Present tag's prefix.

This event tag was available during the Winter event of 2023 where users had to complete the holiday Scavenger Hunt and Ice Skating minigame to unlock the tag.

Two versions of this tag exist, a grey and a coloured version of the tag. The grey tag was given to users who completed both the Scavenger Hunt and Ice Skating minigame. The coloured tag was given to users who had a Paid Rank and who had completed the Scavenger Hunt and Ice Skating minigame. This tag is no longer obtainable, as the event has ended.

GS Heart Tag

The GS Heart tag's prefix.
The GS Heart tag's prefix.

This event tag has been available since the beginning of the GamerSafer era at Minehut.

This tag can be obtained in the lobbies by going straight from spawn to the back of the map and right clicking on the purple heart head. This tag is currently obtainable, as the head for it is still in the lobbies.

Duckerations Tags

[CROW] Playername

[DUCK] Playername
The Crow tag's prefix.
The Crow tag's prefix.
The Duck tag's prefix.
The Duck tag's prefix.

The Duckerations was an event on Minehut where two teams consisting of the Minehut Staff Team battled in Lobby 1 & Lobby 3 respectfully to see who could build the best duck. The duck that won the vote would remain in the lobbies.

Crow Tag [Losing Team]

The Crow tag was associated with Team A who built in Lobby 1. This team consisted of the following Minehut staff members, the majority of the Moderation team at the time:

This tag can be obtained by going to the Crow statue behind Grandma's house in the Minehut lobby and right clicking the Crow head. This tag is no longer obtainable, as the event has ended.

Duck Tag [Winning Team]

The Duck tag was associated with Team B who built in Lobby 3. This team consisted of the following Minehut staff members, the rest of the participants in this event.

This tag can be obtained by going inside the Duck in the Minehut lobbies and right clicking the head of the duck inside. This tag is no longer obtainable, as the event has ended.

Survivor Tag (Outage)

[SURVIVOR] Playername

The Survivor tag's prefix.
The Survivor tag's prefix.

On May 16th, 2024, Minehut suffered a week-long outage due to one of the racks of the machines being affected by a power cycle in the datacenter. This brought down the Minehut network. When Minehut returned on May 23rd, the Survivor tag was added to the lobby for the Minehut playerbase to benefit from Minehut's downtime.

A grass block head was placed near spawn and Minehut players were jokingly told to "touch grass" in order to obtain the Survivor tag. Right clicking this grass block head would grant the player the tag.

This tag is no longer obtainable, as the event ended.

Torch Bearer Tag (Summer Sports)

[Torch-tag-part.png] Playername
The Torch Bearer tag's prefix.
The Torch Bearer tag's prefix.

On July 26th, 2024, the Minehut Summer Sports event was released in celebration of the beginning of the Olympic Games Paris 2024. This event involved two new tags, the Torch Bearer tag and the Champion tag.

This tag was obtained by 2,028 players. [3]

To obtain this tag, you must light 15 torches around the Minehut Lobby. These torches are located in the following locations:

Torch Number Description of location XYZ Coordinates
Torch #1 Very close to spawn, just down the stairs. x: -22 y: 64 z: -2
Torch #2 Just after Torch #1, just in front of the Random Server portal. x: -42 y: 64 z: 3
Torch #3 In the very center of the No Ad Zone in the lobby. x: -33 y: 64 z: -26
Torch #4 Located just in front of Café Stifflered. x: -18 y: 63 z: -59
Torch #5 Located next to the Statue of Old in Café Stifflered. x: 62 y: 74 z: -70
Torch #6 Exact opposite to Torch #14, on the right side of the map. x: -76 y: 64 z: -86
Torch #7 Straight ahead from behind the Random Server portal. x: -97 y: 64 z: 0
Torch #8 Tucked in the north-east side of the map next to a truck. x: -137 y: 64 z: -57
Torch #9 Straight ahead from Torch #7, next to the GS Heart skull. x: -154 y: 64 z: -0
Torch #10 Nearby Torch #11 on the floor leading up to it. x: -107 y: 64 z: 30
Torch #11 To the left of Torch #10, on the very top of shipping containers. x: -150 y: 84 z: 67
Torch #12 Inside of the train station on the left side of the map. x: -91 y: 74 z: 92
Torch #13 Hidden behind some pipes near a glass container. x: -94 y: 64 z: 78
Torch #14 Located nearly parallel to Torch #6, this torch is further to the left. x: -53 y: 64 z: 75
Torch #15 Tucked away in the far south-west section of the lobby. x: -20 y: 64 z: 77

This tag is no longer obtainable, as the event ended on August 11th, 2024.[4]

Champion Tag

[CHAMPION] Playername

The Champion tag's prefix.
The Champion tag's prefix.

On July 26th, 2024, a new infinite parkour game was added to the lobby. This game brought a new tag, the Champion tag.[5]

Originally, to obtain this tag, you must get a high score of at least 500 on this infinite parkour. However, after some backlash from the community, the tag's requirements were updated to 500 total parkour jumps.

As of August 23rd, 2024, there are a total of 3,117 players with this tag.[6]

Removed Ranks

Senior Moderator

[SR.MOD] Playername

The Senior Moderator rank's former prefix.
The Senior Moderator rank's former prefix.

This rank was given to Senior Moderators during the old Minehut staff team from 2014 to 2021. Upon the introduction of the Paid Moderation team, this rank was removed. When the Volunteer team was reformed in 2022, this rank did not return.

As of 2024, this rank is not currently in use on Minehut and is not expected to make a return to the platform.[7]

Junior Moderator

[JR.MOD] Playername

The Junior Moderator rank's former prefix.
The Junior Moderator rank's former prefix.

This rank was given to Junior Moderators during the old Minehut staff team when it had Junior Moderators from 2014 to 2020. This rank was removed and replaced by the Helper rank listed below. When the Volunteer team was reformed in 2022, this rank did not return.

As of 2024, this rank is not currently in use on Minehut and is not expected to make a return to the platform.[8]


[HELPER] Playername

The Helper rank's former prefix.
The Helper rank's former prefix.

This rank was given to Helpers during the old Minehut staff team when it had Helpers from 2020 to 2021. Upon the introduction of the Paid Moderation team, this rank was removed. When the Volunteer team was reformed in 2022, this rank was used as the rank for the Volunteer team until the Moderator rank replaced it.

As of 2024, this rank is not currently in use on Minehut and is not expected to make a return to the platform.[9]

Events Team

[EVENTS] Playername
The Events rank's former prefix.
The Events rank's former prefix.

This rank was given to members of Minehut's Community Events Team. The rank was removed on the 14th of March 2023 when the Rank Update happened, although it still showed in the /find command for some users up until July 12th, 2024.[10]

As of 2024, this rank is not currently in use on Minehut and is not expected to make a return to the platform.[11]

Market Maker

[MAKER] Playername
The Maker rank's former prefix.
The Maker rank's former prefix.

This rank was given to Market Creators on the Minehut Marketplace, from June 9, 2020 to November 29th, 2022.[12][13] This rank was removed when the Minehut Marketplace was removed on November 29th, 2022.[14][15]

As of 2024, this rank is not currently in use on Minehut and is not expected to make a return to the platform.


[ARTIST] Playername
The Artist rank's former prefix.
The Artist rank's former prefix.

This rank has only been gifted to Moon (also known as Pumpkin) & _Rascal.[16] It was also given to Haasty_, however they only kept the rank for a month.[17] The rank was removed on the 14th of March 2023 when the Rank Update happened.[18]

As of 2024, this rank is not currently in use on Minehut and is not expected to make a return to the platform.


[HERO] Playername
[HERO] Playername
The Hero rank's former prefix, without the golden username.
The Hero rank's former prefix, without the golden username.
The Hero rank's former prefix, with the golden username.
The Hero rank's former prefix, with the golden username.

The Hero rank was apart of Minehut's 2021 Spring Break campaign. Any user with a rank at the time of the Hero rank's addition would also have their rank displayed after the Hero prefix in chat, similar to how the Moderator rank appears today when moderators wear a tag.[19][20]

In order to obtain it, the player would have to join the Minehut server springbreak and equip the resource pack for the server.

The player would then have to queue up for an Escape Room minigame and at the end of this minigame, the player would receive the Hero rank.

The player had to collect 4 artifacts in the map and place them down. The player first earned Blazagon's Fire, a potion which threw fire onto the ground. This fire bomb could then be used to break wooden barriers. It was located beyond a lava parkour course, in which zombies would attempt to attack the player whilst the player was doing parkour.

Once the player had obtained the Fire Bomb, they would have to traverse through a stone parkour course where they would have to burn through wood to get to the next stage. At the end of the stone parkour course, the player would collect the Artifact of Fury.

Next, the player would have to swim through water to get the Multipurpose Trident and would have to make sure to reach the air pockets so they would not drown. Next, the player would have to go through the Jungle using the Trident, which had the Riptide enchantment on it. At the end of the Jungle, the player could obtain the Artifact of Malice.

After that, the player would have to navigate through the icy caves to obtain the Icicle Staff. This was an ice parkour course in which players would be attacked by various mobs such as skeletons and zombies. Once the player had obtained the staff, they could use it to break through packed ice to reach the Artifact of Spirit.

Finally, the player would have to navigate the dark, blackout caverns. At the end of the blackout caverns, in which players would have to travel through caves in complete darkness, the player would earn the Flash Bow. The final level would involve the player having to shoot arrows at target blocks which would create bridges for the player to progress through. At the very end of this, the player would obtain the Artifact of Will.

Once all four artifacts had been placed at spawn, a stairway up to an arena would appear. The player could obtain the final artifact here, the Artifact of Wonder, however, once the artifact was obtained, the player would be locked into a boss battle. This boss battle involved heavily armoured mobs attacking the player. Once the player completed this fight, they would gain the Hero rank.[21]

The Spring Break campaign also allowed players to earn a golden username after completing a maze in a sandstone castle. This golden username would appear regardless of what rank you had, and would also show with the Hero rank. The Hero rank did not have any perks.

The Hero rank was removed on April 13th, 2021 when the sponsored event and campaign had ended.[22]

Heart (old)

❤ Playername

The old heart rank was a rank that existed in 2017. Its removal date is unknown, and it is unknown what the rank was given to players for. The rank had the permissions of the Legend rank.[23]


[FAMOUS] Playername

The Famous rank was a rank that existed in 2017. Its removal date is unknown, but it seems to have been a predecessor to the YouTube rank. The rank had the permissions of the Legend rank.[24]


[BT] Playername

The BT rank was a rank that existed in 2017. Its removal date is unknown, and it is unknown what the rank was given to players for. It's possible this rank stood for "Beta Tester" and was a predecessor to the Tester rank, or it's possible that it could stand for "Build Team" and be a predecessor to the Builder rank, but both claims are unconfirmed.[25]

YouTube (old rank)

Youtube Playername

The old YouTube rank was a rank that existed in 2016. Its removal date is unknown, however, it was removed as early as May 13, 2017. It is understood this was a predecessor to the YouTube rank.[26]


Twitch Playername

The Twitch rank was a rank that existed in 2016. Its removal date is unknown, however, it was removed as early as May 13, 2017. It is understood this served a similar purpose to the old Youtube rank, but being for Twitch streamers instead.[27]


DANK Playername

The Dank rank was a rank that existed in 2016. Its removal date is unknown, however it was as early as May 13, 2017 and it is unknown what the rank was given to players for.[28]

Top Voter

[TOP VOTER] Playername

The Top Voter rank was a rank that existed in 2019. Its removal date is unknown. This rank was given to players for being the top voter on the old Minehut voting site.[29][30]

Junior Developer

[JR.DEV] Playername

The Junior Developer rank was given to players who were developers for Minehut. Its creation date is unknown and its removal date is unknown. The rank does not currently exist today.[31] The only known people to have had this rank were MatrixTunnel, Aerh, and DividedWeFall.

Developer (rank)

[DEV] Playername

The old Developer rank was given to players who were developers for Minehut. Its creation date is unknown and its removal date is unknown. The rank does not currently exist today, being replaced by the Developer tag.[32]


  1. Paid ranks can be purchased using credits: Minehut Shop Page for Ranks
  2. These ranks renew on a subscription basis and last for 30 days: Minehut Shop Page for Ranks
  3. The Torch Bearer tag was obtained by 2,028 players before the event ended. Update log confirming this.
  4. Summer Sports event ended on August 11th, 2024. Discord community post regarding the event.
  5. A new infinite parkour was added to the lobby: Update log for July 26th, 2024.
  6. As of August 2024, there were a total of 3,117 players with the Champion tag. Update log for August 23th, 2024
  7. Proof of Senior Moderator rank's existence: Outdated API endpoint for Minehut ranks
  8. Proof of Junior Moderator rank's existence: Official forums post introducing new staff members that mentions the rank
  9. Proof of Helper rank's existence: Outdated API endpoint for Minehut ranks
  10. Removal of legacy ranks appearing in /find: Update log for July 12th, 2024.
  11. Proof of Events Team rank's existence: Outdated API endpoint for Minehut ranks
  12. Proof of Maker rank's existence: Discord message showing an image of developer _Star's alt having the Maker rank.
  13. Minehut Market's creation: Discord announcement of the Minehut market.
  14. Deletion of the Minehut market: Discord message stating the time period the market was removed, evidence #1
  15. Deletion of the Minehut market: Discord message stating the market no longer existed, evidence #2
  16. _Rascal had the Artist rank: Image of a user's friends list showing _Rascal with the Artist rank.
  17. Haasty_ winning the Artist rank for a month: Discord announcement of the event.
  18. Artist Rank removal: Rascal, one of the Artist rank's only owners, stating the rank was removed.
  19. Proof of Spring Break event existence (1): Marketing image used for the Spring Break event.
  20. Proof of Spring Break event existence (2): Tag used on the Minehut Discord for promoting the Spring Break event.
  21. A video tutorial demonstrating the Spring Break event's steps: Video by ILIKECAKEMAN, former Content Creator.
  22. Hero rank's removal: Official Minehut announcement from 2021.
  23. Proof of old heart rank's existence: 2017 Minehut ranks.json file on GitHub, showing the old heart rank.
  24. Proof of famous rank's existence: 2017 Minehut ranks.json file on GitHub, showing the Famous rank.
  25. Proof of BT's existence: 2017 Minehut ranks.json file on GitHub, showing the BT rank.
  26. Proof of old YouTube rank's existence: 2016 Minehut global.json file on GitHub, showing the old YouTube rank.
  27. Proof of Twitch rank's existence: 2016 Minehut global.json file on GitHub, showing the Twitch rank.
  28. Proof of Dank rank's existence: 2016 Minehut global.json file on GitHub, showing the Dank rank.
  29. Creation of Top Voter rank: Discord message announcing the creation of the Top Voter rank.
  30. Proof of Top Voter rank's existence: Image showing former staff members with various ranks.
  31. Proof of Junior Developer rank's existence: Image showing former staff members with various ranks.
  32. Proof of the old Developer rank's existence: Image showing former staff members with various ranks.