Legacy Legend

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Legacy Legend Tag
Known As
Legacy Legend
OG Legend
Old Legend
Rank or Tag
26,000 CR (formerly)
Not for Sale (today)


Not to be confused with the new Legend rank.

The Legacy Legend tag is a tag that Minehut players received if they had purchased the old Legend rank prior to March 14th, 2023's Rank Update. After the rank update, this version of the Legend rank became a tag and was replaced by New Legend.

The old Legend rank used to cost 26,000 credits, however, the rank cannot be obtained through normal means today as it remains unobtainable.[1]


These are the perks of the Legacy Legend tag today.

  • Lobby Flight
  • 80 extra ads / month added on top of whatever rank the player has.
    • Total of 90 ads if the player has no rank.
    • Total of 130 ads if the player has the VIP rank.
    • Total of 330 ads if the player has the VIP+ rank.
    • Total of 580 ads if the player has the Pro rank.
    • Total of 1,080 ads if the player has the Legend rank.
    • Total of 2,580 ads if the player has the Patron rank.


  • The original Legend rank was created on November 27th, 2016.[2]
  • The very first user to buy the original Legend rank was Faacto later on the day the rank was created.[3]
  • This rank was changed to a tag on March 14th, 2023 when the Rank Update occurred.[4]
  • The old Legend rank was replaced by the New Legend rank.[5]


  1. Legend used to cost 26,000 credits: Archived page of the Minehut ranks.
  2. The old Legend rank was created on November 27th, 2016: Discord announcement from November 27th, 2016.
  3. Faacto was the first user to buy Legend rank: Discord announcement saying Facto was the first to buy the rank.
  4. Legend rank was changed to a tag when the Rank Update occurred: Discord announcement from March 14th, 2023
  5. The old Legend rank was replaced by the new Legend rank: Discord announcement from March 14th, 2023