Retired Tag

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Retired Tag
Known As
Retired tag
[<3] tag
Heart tag
Resigned tag
Ex Staff tag
Rank or Tag


The Retired tag is a tag that is given to former members of the Minehut Staff team. This tag is exclusively available for staff who have resigned or retired from the Minehut Staff team. This rank is not able to be purchased.

To find a list of all users with this tag, go to the Retired Staff page.

This tag is also given to current Minehut Staff when they are on LOA. A staff member on LOA is still a staff member, they are just on a temporary break.

Prior to March 14, 2023's Rank Update, the Retired tag was a rank with the perks of the Patron rank. Following the Rank Update, the rank was changed to a tag.[1] This tag initially had no perks at all, however, after some community feedback, white chat-colour was restored to all users with the Retired tag on April 12th, 2023.[2]


Due to the nature of Retired being a tag, it has very limited perks. As a Special Tag, it does have the perk of having white coloured chat in the Minehut lobbies.


  • The first person to receive the Retired tag was _Gingey_ when he resigned from the original Volunteer team on March 26th, 2021.[3]


  1. Following the Rank Update, the rank was changed to a tag: Discord announcement — The Rank Update
  2. After feedback, white chat-colour was restored to the Retired tag: Discord announcement — Minor Rank Changes
  3. _Gingey_ is the first to receive the Retired title: Discord message from March 26, 2021