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[<3] _Gingey_
General Info
Minehut Join Date
March 19, 2018
Known For
Staff Management
Support Agency

_Gingey_ had been a member of the Minehut staff team over the years and made his way to Staff Manager in 2020 before resigning in 2021 as part of the old Volunteer Team. Afterward, _Gingey_ returned to Minehut as a Support agent in 2022 and in 2024 became a Staff Manager of the new Volunteer Team and remained as part of the Support Team.

_Gingey_ officially left the Minehut Staff team and GamerSafer to move onto new adventures outside of Minehut on August 20, 2024.

Wiki user pageUser:Gingey

Farewell Letter

A Farewell from Gingey
Hi everyone, I was given the chance to send a message to the community with my departure from Minehut. While I know, not everyone knows who I am- but I was always working around the clock (sometimes off xD)- helping with support tickets, interacting with the community and trying to build up something impactful. For those of you that don't want to be bored with my story at minehut- let me just leave you with this; Minehut quickly became my second home and I've met so many people that I am proud to call my friend! Minehut has allowed me to grow- allowed me to flourish and I'm beyond grateful for the chance to contribute to such a wonderful community!

Now, a bit onto my story- I'll keep it short. Minehut was something I stumbled on back in 2018, with one dream in mind- just like many of you; "To create my very own Minecraft server," and I did just that... but I unfortunately, was a a target of an old griefing "team" (if you can call them that) and it ruined my first ever server- but from that day forward, I wanted to help make a larger impact on Minehut, help keep the beloved community safe... so I decided to join the volunteer team at the time and I made a personal oath to protect the community and help everyone I can. I quickly rose through the ranks at the time and every rank I made it to I put the same love and motivation into them- eventually I was given the chance to join the Minehut Customer Support Team- I was given the opportunity to continue doing what I love... but as my job and it quickly became my primary focus.

Words cannot describe how grateful I am for everyone within the Minehut Administrative team- but especially Jamie (the red one) she gave me my start- she gave me a chance to help out the community from a different perspective and because of her, I learned so much, I grew as a person in more ways than one and I am so grateful that she was my manager of the last two years and I wouldn't change one bit about it. Unfortunately, I don't have enough characters to say everything I want- and thank everyone I want to- but know: No matter who you are in Minehut, someone who just found Minehut today or someone that has been on Minehut since the beginning, you can do anything you want within Minehut but also in life- I was a server owner of like 5 players (max) and became part of the administrative team- became part of the people I looked up to... and honestly still do.

Thank you Minehut, thank you everyone! 🧡
― Gingey