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Administrator Rank
Known As
Rank or Tag


The Administrator rank is the highest rank obtainable on Minehut. In the present day, it is only given to GamerSafer employees who work primarily on Minehut. This includes developers, support agents, managers and the co-founders of GamerSafer.

This rank is not able to be purchased, due to the nature of how it is obtained. You can find a full list of users with this rank here.

In the past, the Administrator rank was handed out a little differently. Throughout the Luuke era, it was given to developers and players who Luuke trusted. Throughout the Super League era, it was given to Super League employees and select volunteers. Currently, during the GamerSafer era, it is exclusively given out to GamerSafer employees.


The Luuke Era

When Minehut first began, there were a very limited selection of administrators. Initially, this just included users like Luuke, the founder of Minehut and people that Luuke trusted enough with administrative permissions, such as Spaz_[3] and Tricks. In the very early days of Minehut, there were multiple administrators. However, as time went on, the administrator rank would stop being issued. Instead, the Developer rank was used and given to developers such as Luuke, Gamer/Lucas, ZeroParticle, Trent (when he initially joined Minehut in June 2017) and other developers such as MatrixTunnel & Aerh.

Due to the fact Minehut was not owned by a company at this time, the structure and hierarchy of Minehut was far less conventional. Duties such as staff management and community / events management was passed off to the Senior Moderators whilst Developer stayed as a stand-in for Administrator, which was removed.

The Super League Era

Following the acquisition of Minehut by Super League, the Administrator rank would see a return. During this period of time, it was given to Super League employees. For the Minehut Staff team, a Manager rank would live as an essential equivalent for volunteers. The Manager rank was removed and brought back numerous times. People who had the Manager rank during this time include Spaz_, _Gingey_, Motionq, BennyDoesStuff and filr.

When the Staff team transitioned to a paid moderation team in 2021, the only remaining volunteer administrator was BennyDoesStuff, who would later rejoin Minehut as an employee later that year. From that point on, the Administrator rank was only given to Super League employees.

The GamerSafer Era

Currently, during the GamerSafer era, the Administrator rank has been exclusively given to GamerSafer employees with no exceptions.

You can see a list of current Administrators here.


  • For the most part, Administrator has always been the highest rank on Minehut while it existed.
  • There are only three volunteer staff members from the Super League Era that would later join Super League as an employee.
    • _Gingey_, whom served as a Manager under the Volunteer team and as a Support Agent as an employee. Gingey would remain as an employee under GamerSafer until retiring in August of 2024.[4]
    • ReportCards, who served as a Moderator under the Volunteer team and as a Developer as an employee.
    • BennyDoesStuff, who served as a Manager under the Volunteer team and as the Community Manager as an employee.


  1. Known As: Administrator — Official name on the Minehut Forums.
  2. Aliases: Admin — Official name on the Minehut Discord.
  3. Spaz_ was an Administrator — Internet Archive & NameMC
  4. Gingey retired in August of 2024 — Gingey's farewell message on Discord