A Guide to Efficient Server Moderation

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Why should I focus on moderating efficiently?

It is important to know how to moderate your server on Minehut so that your community stays positive and is a healthy environment for new players. New players might not want to stay around on your server if your server has a very toxic environment, therefore, if you want your server to be successful and flourish, you must moderate it efficiently.

It is also important to note that if your server is left unmoderated and players break Minehut rules on your server, it risks being suspended from the network. Minehut's parent company, GamerSafer, is all about safety online for gamers, and it is expected that server owners and staff members enforce this behavior.

Moderation Plugins

You are welcome to use the normal Minecraft ban system for any punishments, however, there are disadvantages to using the normal Minecraft ban system. It may not be completely equipped with the necessary tools that you may like to help you moderate your server. There are a lot of other plugins that you can use to help moderate your server more efficiently and fairly that will provide you with some extra moderation tools.

Be sure to read their plugin pages carefully to decide which would be best for your server.



AdvancedBan is a plugin that is already commonly used on Minehut servers. It's a great free solution to punishing rule breakers on your server.


EssentialsX is not only a plugin for punishing players, but also has core essential commands to help you out on your server. It's not primarily focused on punishing players, but rather essential commands. But it definitely gets the job done if needed.

It is important to note that when you enter the page to download this plugin, you should click the "Stable release" category, as it automatically sends you to the page to get development builds, which may be unstable.


LibertyBans is an excellent punishment plugin that has a variety of different features for your server's staff members.


LiteBans is a great paid solution to punish rule breakers on your server. Optionally, for more advanced users, it has a web interface where you can track punishments issued by staff members on your server, and a handful of other useful features as well.

Determining Punishments

Player servers have the authority to punish players for any reason, as long as it aligns with the Minehut Rules. It's important to note that discriminatory behavior or encouraging others to harm themselves in real life, in any context, is prohibited behavior on Minehut, and these two rules must always be enforced on your server. Not only is it important to know what to punish players for, but also how long to restrict that player's access to your server.

Below, you will find recommended punishment lengths for first offense punishments.

It is worth noting that when deciding these punishment lengths, emphasis was placed upon the fact that punishments are supposed to punish the player for their actions. They are not supposed to be lenient.

  • Spamming: Warning -> Mute (1 day)
  • Swearing: Warning -> Mute (1 day)
  • Bypassing Filter: Warning -> Mute (1 day)
  • Instigating Drama: Warning -> Mute (3 days)
  • Disrespecting Others: Warning -> Mute (1 week)

The following offenses should also have the user reported to Minehut.

  • Inappropriate Behavior: Warning -> Ban/Mute (1 week)
  • Discrimination: Ban (30 days)
  • Death Wishes / Self Harm Encouragement: Ban (3 months)
  • Revealing Personal Info / Doxxing: Ban (Permanent)
  • Sending Malicious Links: Ban (Permanent)
  • Predatory Behavior / Explicit Content: Ban (Permanent)
  • DDoS, Dox or Death Threats: Ban (Permanent)
  • Inappropriate Username: Ban (Permanent)
  • Inappropriate Skin: Ban (Permanent)
  • Under 13: Ban (Permanent - This is required by Minehut TOS)

It's worth noting that for the more serious offenses above, having a low punishment length could be considered as a lack of moderation since those players are not being punished for very long which could lead to a server suspension. This is why it is recommended that server owners keep within or around these punishment lengths.

Chat Filter

A chat filter is absolutely necessary on a Minehut server. If you do not have a chat filter, you are completely opening your server up to the risk of being suspended due to the fact your staff members will not be able to cover every single message on the server. A chat filter will not only make your staff members' jobs much easier, but it will also guarantee that you have at least one layer of defense against problematic players.

Chat filters are typically made specifically for that server with Skript or with a custom plugin.

If you prefer to use a chat filter plugin, it is recommended that you use this plugin.

If you have any questions remaining on server moderation, you are free to ask in the Minehut Discord or you may ask Minehut's support team, the experts on the matter. You may also ask any Minehut moderators online in the lobbies or on the discord.