Minecraft Server Guidelines FAQ

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Commonly asked questions and answers regarding the guidelines and enforcement criteria for third-party servers on Minecraft.

This original FAQ was made by GamerSafer for the Official Minecraft Server List. To access the original FAQ, create an account and server at https://findmcserver.com and visit findmcserver.com/edit-server/(server id)/mug-faq.


Welcome to the Minecraft server guidelines FAQ! Maintaining a safe and enjoyable gaming environment is important to players, which is why Mojang established clear rules and guidelines for behavior on servers. This page is designed to answer frequently asked questions about server guidelines and policies including what types of behavior are prohibited, how Mojang investigates and responds to reports of rule-breaking, and what consequences servers may face for violating the rules. We hope this information will help you understand the guidelines and ensure a positive experience for all players. Where possible we have reused specific bullet points from the Minecraft Usage Guidelines. Additional details have been added based on previous server reviews and discussion. If you have other questions or would like to chat with us more about this FAQ page, feel free to join our Community Discord or email us at [email protected].

What is this FAQ used for?

Please note that while this FAQ is intended to provide helpful guidance on the server best practices, it is not a substitute for, and does not modify or amend, the official Minecraft Usage Guidelines – aka the MUG (https://aka.ms/MCUsageGuidelines) or End User License Agreement (http://aka.ms/MinecraftEULA) – aka the EULA.

We strongly encourage all server operators to read and follow those guidelines carefully, as they provide essential information on the proper use of Minecraft and the consequences of violating its terms. Mojang’s enforcement policies are designed to be consistent with these guidelines and agreements, but they may not cover every scenario or situation. As such, we recommend that all server operators familiarize themselves with the official Minecraft documentation.

As with all things Minecraft, every situation has nuance that needs to be understood with regards to each scenario/item, so what may be compliant on one server, may not be compliant on another. Therefore, the questions and answers below are generalized and may or may not apply to your server setup/type/game mode.

Subject to Change Notice

The FAQ below may change as time goes by and guidelines get updated or changed in the Minecraft Usage Guidelines (MUG). Mojang states in the MUG that they reserve the right to change their mind at any time (such as if people start to take advantage of their good intentions). As such, we also reserve the right to update these questions or answers to reflect any added information or understanding regarding Mojang’s enforcement practices and policies. Do not count on these guidelines always being here or in the specific form they are in right now. It is up to you to occasionally check the MUG and this FAQ to see if any guidelines have changed and ensure your use of Minecraft is in line with what is allowed.

The Essentials

A Server’s site, social media, store, and all other forms of engaging with players should NOT leverage or reuse the Mojang or Minecraft brand elements. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Use or manipulation of their stylized logo both stand alone, or as a "template" for a custom logo.
  • Use of official key art
  • Use of prominent elements such as the creeper face
  • You may use the word "Minecraft" in your server name as long as it is not the first word in your server name, nor is it used to mislead people into believing you are an official or affiliated Minecraft community.

We understand using in game elements on a website might make sense in some cases, but iconography and graphics should not be used out of context.

What is considered a compliant form of contact?

All listed servers require at least one publicly available contact method (Site Form, Email, etc.) that is readily accessible. Having a single contact point that requires users to sign up for an additional resource to contact is NOT compliant. Examples of non-compliant forms of primary contact include contacts locked behind a site/store signup, Discord, other 3rd party systems that require signup, etc.

What is a Proper Disclaimer?

Websites and other prominent social media accounts need to have a clear disclaimer stating that the server does not have any affiliation to Mojang AB or Microsoft. Example: "We are not affiliated with Mojang AB or Microsoft."

Server Access

Can I charge players to access my server?

Per the MUG, you MAY charge for access to your server, including a server which hosts your Mods, BUT only if:

  • You make a charge per person that is the same for everyone.
  • If access is granted via more than one subscription method (i.e., Patreon, Twitch Sub, etc.), the cost for access via each method must be equal in value, or close to, depending on local currency conversion.

Are paid queues allowed?

A server may charge access to a server while allowing free connections in parallel. An example would be standard charges apply during any peak usage time, but the server may be open for free when there is room. The single charge still applies (as described under "Can I charge players to access my servers?") but gives them the opportunity to introduce their server to more players. This guidance applies to all-sized servers that require a queue process to join.

Can I charge access to a specific part of my server, such as a minigame or world?

No, you cannot charge for any individual part of a server, only the access to the server as a whole. Once on a server, all players must have the same gameplay privileges. You may make a different server which features "premium" areas, and charge for access to that server instead, but the benefits cannot carry between servers.

Monetization and Store

I want to create a server shop, what are the minimum requirements I need to have on it? At minimum, all public servers are required to have:

  • Ability to produce a purchase history for all customers (if monetizing the server).
  • The Server/Store must follow all applicable data and privacy laws and is responsible for all player data.
  • The server must also follow all items listed in the "Fundamentals" section of the FAQ.

This is not an exhaustive list, but it is a good start. If there are any issues with the server, it is imperative that the server store has at least a compliant form of contact. Minecraft Server Enforcement will attempt to contact the server owners to remediate any issues. However, if they cannot contact, they will have to place a block on the server until communication is established and violations are remediated. This is also the contact that players, parents, law enforcement, other organizations, and GamerSafer will use to contact the server if needed.

What types of items can I sell in my store?

Server owners should make sure to thoroughly read and understand the Minecraft Usage Guidelines (MUG - https://aka.ms/MCUsageGuidelines) and the Minecraft End User License Agreement (EULA - http://aka.ms/MinecraftEULA) as both documents outline what servers can and cannot do with regards to monetization of a server. Due to the complex nature of Minecraft and the vast number of servers, game modes, and play styles, an exhaustive list of all features that exist and their compliance status cannot be created.

In general, so long as items are obtainable by non-paying players through normal gameplay and do not offer a competitive advantage, Mojang’s server enforcement team is usually ok with it. However, as with all things Minecraft, every situation has nuance that needs to be understood with regards to each scenario/item, so what may be compliant on one server, may not be compliant on another.

An example of this could be a basic survival world server that sells kits may be ok, but a similar survival world server that has a "top kills" leaderboard may not be compliant as the kits may give a competitive advantage to placing on that leaderboard. Any leaderboards that are accessible to non-staff players, whether displayed in holograms, NPCs, in-chat, command-based, GUIs, banners, on a website, or using other methods, would be reviewed as part of the compliance check.

I modeled my server and store off another exiting server, does this mean I am EULA and MUG compliant?

No. Servers that already exist are not an indication of compliance. If a server is doing something against the guidelines, they will eventually hear from the enforcement team and will be required to remove the problematic content.

Are there any types of content or requirements that apply to non-monetized servers?

Examples of the kinds of content the MUG (https://aka.ms/MCUsageGuidelines) states are not tolerated on any server include:

  • Terrorist and/or violent extremist content, Sexual exploitation and abuse imagery, Suicide and Self-Harm, Non-consensual intimate imagery and sextortion, Real-world graphic violence, and gore.
  • Hate Speech/Discrimination, Unwanted sexual attention or sexual solicitation, Cyber-stalking/Cyber-Abuse/Cyber-bullying.

Adult Content

  • Including, but not limited to: Pornography, Gambling, Alcohol/Drugs, Violence, Terrorism, Unsafe/Mature Content, etc. Mojang reserves the right to change their minds at any time to deem content as adult in nature, and therefore restricted.
  • Brand Assets Infringement or Unauthorized Brand Asset Usage.

I want to add X feature/content to my server. How can I know if it is compliant?

As always, consult the EULA (http://aka.ms/MinecraftEULA) and MUG (https://aka.ms/MCUsageGuidelines) if you are not sure about the compliance of any server features you have or are planning to have. Not knowing what is in or not in the EULA and MUG is not an adequate excuse for hosting non-compliant features or content.

The Server Enforcement Team does not provide consulting services or recommendations to servers. In general, they are ok with a lot of things, so long as they contain the following attributes.

  • Does not create a negative experience for players or the brand in any way.
  • Does not affect PVP or give a competitive advantage.
  • It is also obtainable to non-paying players via normal gameplay and without extreme hardship.
  • It is not a core item or mechanic to how the server game mode is played or altered.
  • Does not directly affect a player’s standing on any non-staff player accessible leaderboard(s) (i.e., selling server currency and having a leaderboard that says "richest player" would be an example of what NOT to do)

Mojang is, as always, reviewing their guidelines and considering community feedback/sentiment, so these are subject to change.

Can I sell in game currency?

Per the MUG, you may use and sell in-game currencies if:

  • They have no real-world value and cannot be cashed out, used, or transferred across free or paid servers, or into any other currency with real-world value.
  • You do not give the impression that it comes from or is associated with Mojang.
  • They do not look like or have similar names to Minecoins or any other official virtual currency, and anything that can be unlocked or purchased with the currency follows Mojang’s monetization guidelines.

Can I accept donations?

You can accept donations from players. You can thank them publicly or in-game but cannot give preferential treatment for donating or grant them any individual benefits in return, as this would constitute a purchase and should be labeled as such. If you offer something in return to individual player "donations", you will be asked to change this word usage or remove the benefit. However, server-wide rewards for all players when reaching a donation goal(s), are acceptable.

Can I use 3rd Party IP and/or Brands?

Mods and themes such as "Pixelmon", which use non-Minecraft IP and brands are fairly popular. These are generally ok to use, so long as they adhere to the following requirements:

  • It is the server owner/operator(s) responsibility to obtain permission to use a third-party brand/IP, OR the usage of such must fall under the requirements of "Fair Use".
  • The usage of that brand/IP CANNOT be considered a constructed promotion.
  • Brand campaigns may be acceptable according to the MUG, but as these require Mojang approval, servers should reach out to the partnership team (submit a partnership proposal).

What are "constructed promotions"?

Constructed promotions are defined in the MUG. Without prior written approval from Mojang, corporations, businesses, advertising agencies, non-profits, governments, and other entities MAY NOT use Minecraft gameplay or other assets to promote or market unrelated brands, products, campaigns, or services.

Can I sell crates or loot boxes on my server? Are these considered gambling content by the MUG? Are there any attributes that I need to ensure are part of my system?

Crates and/or loot boxes are not considered gambling by the Minecraft Usage Guidelines currently. However, for your crates, loot boxes, or similar features to be compliant, the following guidelines should be followed:

On both the server and webstore (if applicable), if Crates, Keys, or Odds-Based Rewards are sold:

  • In a place that is publicly available, the odds of obtaining each item must be listed (if randomization based).
  • If the odds are equal across all items, then either displaying the direct odds or a notice stating that the odds are equal across all items would be sufficient.
  • Using labels such as "common" or "rare" without defining what those terms mean in an easily accessible public place are not an acceptable replacement for displaying direct odds.
  • In a publicly available place, the potential items that may be earned must be listed.
  • In all locations where they may be purchased (webstore, in-game, etc.), the crates, keys, and odds-based rewards must adhere to both the listing and odds requirements detailed above.
  • Crates may NOT provide the purchaser with a chance to obtain no reward (i.e., all crates must reward the purchaser with a form of compensation).

What are some common issues that servers have?

  • Gambling:
  • Server-enabled or sponsored gambling. Player-to-player interactions and player-built content moderation is up to the discretion of the server owner. However, if player-built content is used by the server as a focal point or attraction of the server, then the content is considered a server feature and is required to follow the usage guidelines.
  • Referring to Purchases as Donations:
  • Transactions should be appropriately named based on the nature of the exchange. Donations are a contribution without receiving any benefits in return.
  • Unauthorized Brand Asset Usage:
  • Usage of Minecraft, Mojang, or Microsoft Brand Assets without the permission of Mojang or Microsoft.
  • Store Items/Ranks:
  • Items or ranks can sometimes violate the guidelines set forth in the MUG, especially in regard to competitive advantages.
  • Inadequate Store Descriptions:
  • All items sold in your webstore must include enough information regarding the contents being purchased in such a way that potential customers have visibility and transparency into what their purchase includes before a player joins the server, signs up, or logs in.
  • Crates/Loot Boxes/Odds Based Rewards:
  • The items within these can sometimes violate the MUG, especially in regard to competitive advantages.
  • On both the web store as well as in game, it is required to have a detailed listing of the contents of the crates/loot boxes/odds-based rewards as well as the odds of obtaining each item.
  • Unbans/Unmutes/Admin Tools:
  • Servers are never allowed to sell unbans, unmutes, or any tools that grant or insinuate the ability to purchase tools/abilities that are limited to server administrators.
  • Payouts:
  • Payouts that are or can be converted into real world currency are NOT compliant. Examples of non-compliant payouts include PayPal/Venmo/CashApp, Crypto or Real-world currency, Gift cards to non-server related stores.
  • No Compliant Form of Public Contact:
  • If a server does not have a compliant form of public contact, they risk a server block as the Server Enforcement team from Mojang has no means to attempt contact before blocking.

Special Topics

Is gambling and/or casinos allowed on servers?

No, casinos, gambling, or anything meant to resemble gambling mechanics are not compliant with the MUG.

As per stated in the MUG, "All servers, entitlements, and advertising are suitable for children and minors (i.e., no gambling, pornography, etc.) and don’t harm the Brand".

Mojang is pretty clear and strict on servers that have casinos or gambling. However, there are some caveats:

  • Player-made casinos and gambling mechanics are not strictly prohibited, but if the server starts to use these as a prominent feature or provides specific resources to enable players to build them, then they may be considered a server feature, and thus, not compliant.
  • If either the intent or presentation is to emulate a casino/gambling or the primary purpose is to make money (virtual or real), then it falls under Mojang’s guidance against gambling. If the intent or presentation is for fun and not to emulate any known features of gambling or casinos, then it should be generally ok.
  • Random Number Generation (RNG) based games, Coinflip, and other similar mechanisms have been found to be ok, so long as the server does not benefit from the transaction (such as a server tax or pay-to-use) and the spirit of the mechanism is meant to be a fun game or utility between players.

Can my server use NFTs or Blockchain technology?

In 2022, Mojang released a statement regarding NFTs and Blockchain, which can be found here.

However, the overall decision by Mojang was that neither NFTs nor Blockchain are allowed to be integrated inside the Minecraft client or servers.

"As such, to ensure that Minecraft players have a safe and inclusive experience, blockchain technologies are not permitted to be integrated inside our Minecraft client and server applications nor may they be utilized to create NFTs associated with any in-game content, including worlds, skins, persona items, or other mods." Additionally, the MUG states: "We don’t want mods that affect players’ experience and creates scarcity of in-game content based off out-of-game conditions. For example, a mod that directly or indirectly checks a player owns an NFT to unlock skins, functions, or other in-game experiences is not ok with us."

Play-to-earn (P2E) setups on servers are never allowed. Whether using Blockchain technology or not to create a play-to-earn function on the server. Per the MUG: "The mod doesn’t create a play-to-earn function where players earn real-world or out-of-game currency or in-game currency that can be cashed out for real-world currency"

Proof of play setups on servers are also never allowed. Whether using Blockchain technology, NFT’s, or any other mods to "directly or indirectly verify whether a player owns or has access to out-of-game content, products, or services that affect in-game features and functions"

What is a competitive advantage?

As with most things Minecraft, the actual application of the below depends on a number of factors, including aspects such as how the server is setup, the game mode, the game type, etc. It is important to understand that it is applied on the server in a holistic manner, rather than on a single aspect or property.

That being said, competitive advantage is enforced on using the definition below:

"Any item, perk, boost, or unlockable that provides a positive gameplay impact to an individual player while simultaneously having a negative gameplay impact on other players."

It is important to keep in mind the "competitive" part of competitive advantage, meaning there must be an aspect of competition (examples include PVP, leaderboards, etc.). Additionally, competitive aspects can be localized to certain areas, scenarios, and aspects. It is important to understand that the mere existence of both competition and the item may not be a "competitive advantage" if the item, perk, boost, or unlockable is unavailable or barred from use in such areas.

What about weapons and/or firearms?

Weapons are part of Minecraft gameplay, even in the core game. Please exercise caution and sensitivity when creating this kind of content. Provided that weaponry meets the other guidelines for violence, game rating, etc., many weapons that do not look like a real-world gun are allowed. Please exercise caution and sensitivity when creating this kind of content.

The key elements to consider when including this type of content are:

  • Hyper realistic weaponry is not OK. Keeping to the spirit and feel of Minecraft, any mods, plug-ins, or texture packs should keep to the blocky, low-res visual style of Minecraft.
  • Gore elements should be minimized as much as possible. Remember, Minecraft is a game for all and is rated E10+. Although the ESRB rating does not specifically call out guns or firearms, it does mention them under the Level of Violence category.
  • Just like with swearing, servers should make it very clear if a server contains this sort of thematic elements and should be selective on terminology (words such as shoot and kill can be harsh or triggering).

Enforcement Topics

What is the Minecraft Server Enforcement Team?

The Minecraft Server Enforcement Team exists to ensure that the 3rd Party Minecraft server space is a safe and welcoming environment by enforcing on servers that do not adhere to the Minecraft Usage Guidelines (https://aka.ms/MCUsageGuidelines)

What happens if my server violates the Minecraft Usage Guidelines?

If violations to the Minecraft Usage Guidelines are discovered, the Minecraft Server Enforcement Team will attempt to locate a compliant form of contact for the server. If found, they will engage in communications with the server before any action is taken. Should there be no form of compliant contact, then the team will have to place a block on the server from accessing Minecraft resources until an appeal is filed. See below for FAQ on how to file an appeal.

NOTE: If the server is enrolled in the Official Minecraft Server List, their listing will be publicly hidden on the site until the issues have been resolved and Mojang has notified us that the server is back in a MUG-compliant state.

How do I report a server that I think is breaking the rules?

If you believe a server is breaking the rules, you can Report a Server here: http://aka.ms/mce-reportserver (Select Review Type "Report Server").

Note: If you found the server via the Official Minecraft Server List site (http://aka.ms/OfficialMinecraftServerList), reporting instructions can also be found by clicking the "Report this server" button on the server’s listing.

Reports are actioned based on the date they were submitted, i.e., older reports are reviewed before newer reports. Neither server size nor the number of reports will influence when servers are reviewed, so submitting multiple reports does nothing except increase the time it will take to get to the server you are reporting.

My/this server has been operating the same way for X number of years and never had an issue with guidelines enforcement. Why are we being targeted now?

Mojang released the prior iteration of the Minecraft Usage Guidelines (previously referred to as the CUG) in April 2020 with additional updates in August of 2023 (now referred to as the MUG). Between the 2020 release and July of 2022, server owners were given ample time to bring their servers into compliance. However, that grace period has ended, and the Minecraft Server Enforcement team is now enforcing those guidelines. Mojang does not differentiate how they conduct their server reviews based on the size of the server or popularity. All servers, regardless of size, will be held to the same guidelines and standards. Server reports are reviewed in the order they are received.

NOTE: Submitting multiple reports, or having a community submit multiple reports does NOT speed up the process but may increase the time it takes for the team to review the reports and action on them.

Will my server get blocked if players purposefully create non-compliant features such as casinos?

If a server contains content that is egregious enough, Mojang may take it up with the server owner. However, player-built content moderation is up to the discretion of the server owner. If player-built content is used by the server as a focal point or attraction of the server, however, then the content is considered a server feature and is required to follow the usage guidelines. However, as always, Mojang is always reviewing their guidelines and considering community feedback/sentiment.

Why do I keep seeing servers get blocked and unblocked so quickly? Why is Mojang being so inconsistent?

With all server compliance issues, Mojang’s priority is to engage, educate, and then enforce. This means that Mojang will always make attempts to contact server owners prior to taking any blocking action to engage and educate on the compliance issues. However, if the team cannot locate a compliant form of contact on the servers' store/website or they are not able to establish communication with the server owner in a timely manner, then a block may occur until an appeal is submitted.

Once an appeal is submitted, depending on the severity of the violations, the Server Enforcement team will often perform a "good faith" unblock on a server so that they may continue to operate while compliance remediation work is being performed. During such times, the Server Enforcement team keeps a close eye to ensure work is occurring. If no action is occurring, then a re-block may occur. Additionally, it is a requirement that all remediation work performed must remain. Reversing any remediation work or willingly attempting to bypass guidelines again may result in a re-block. Repeated attempts may result in escalation and a permanent server block.

Server Blocking/Unblocking

My server was blocked, how do I file an appeal?

If you wish to engage with the Minecraft Server Enforcement team to appeal a server block and bring it into compliance, server owners should request an appeal here: http://aka.ms/mce-requestserverreview(Select Review Type "Appeal Server").

NOTE: Submitting multiple appeals or submitting appeals for a server for which you are not the owner will NOT speed up the process but may increase the time it takes for the team to review the appeal and work with the server to become compliant.

I fixed all the issues on my server, why am I not unblocked?

Unless you are in communication with the Minecraft Server Enforcement Team, the server will not be unblocked. Communication with the team is a requirement for unblock as review agents will review the appeal and manually confirm that there are no remaining issues that were previously identified. Fixing all the issues without engaging with the Server Enforcement team will not result in an unblock. To engage with the team, submit an appeal for the server:http://aka.ms/mce-requestserverreview (Select Review Type "Appeal Server")

My server was blocked. Is it ok to open an alternate DNS or IP to keep the server running?

No. Servers should NOT open an alternate DNS or IP to keep their server running. The server was blocked by the enforcement team for a reason and the owner should file an appeal as soon as possible to begin the correct unblocking procedures. Opening any alternate DNS's or IP's may lead to an immediate blocking of these without contact due to ban evasion.

Why should I fix these issues? I never agreed to the guidelines.

Although 3rd party servers are run on external hardware and services, these servers are still accessing Minecraft resources to run. As such, all servers are required to adhere to the MUG and EULA.

Failure to do so can result in blocks being placed on the server.

What happens if I do not comply with the Server Enforcement team's requirements or revert all the changes later?

Non-compliance with the Server Enforcement requirements will result in a block being placed on the server that restricts access to Minecraft resources required to run the server. Additionally, any changes made during or prior to working with the Server Enforcement Team must be maintained on your server. Reversing or removing any compliance remediation features/changes after an appeal or review has been closed may result in a re-blocking of the server. Repeated attempts at compliance evasion may result in escalations and a permanent block on your server.